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Door dr. Nicolet Theunissen, initiator van Future Life Research en ontwikkelaar van ben ik gecertificeerd als eChanger.

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Artikel in ‘Caritas et Veritas’

Published in ‘Caritas et Veritas’.

Journal for Christian reflections in the context of social sciences and humanities

The theme of this issue of Caritas et Veritas 2022, 12(2): ‘Education for Goodness, Truth, and Beauty as a Current Challenge for Contemporary Pedagogy and beyond’.

Thematic Paper on Ethics in Higher Business Education – Educational Design Research Need

Bert Meeuwsen

Caritas et Veritas 2022, 12(2):73-83 DOI: 10.32725/cetv.2022.028

Decolonising Curriculum Knowledge: International Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches: launched November 18, 2022

“Marlon Lee Moncriefe’s volume is ground-breaking in its scope and approach to decolonising curriculum knowledge. A stellar team of researchers have been assembled to articulate and exemplify the complex yet pertinent issues methodology and approaches. This is a most welcomed volume as it expands the frontiers of decolonising the curriculum.”

Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Professor/Chair of Epistemologies of the Global South, Vice-Dean of Research in the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth, Germany

“This edited collection provides a fresh and much needed critique of Eurocentric influences and colonial legacies in curriculum making in the Global South. It urges us to reconsider the geopolitics of knowledge within educational institutions in the Global South as well as in the Global North.”

Rowena Arshad, Professor Emerita/Chair in Multicultural and Anti-Racist Education, Associate of the Centre for Education for Racial Equality in Scotland (CERES), University of Edinburgh, UK

Special offer / Get 20% off the printed book or eBook!

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Valid November 16, 2022 – December 14, 2022

Decolonising Curriculum Knowledge

Now available with Palgrave Macmillan / Springer

Decolonising Curriculum Knowledge
International Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches

I am honored to be one of the authors.

Booklaunch November 18, 2022, 13.00 UK time, during a Teams seminar chaired by the editor Marlon Lee Moncrieffe.

For the programme, please, contact me by means of a message

Welcome to enjoy the seminar, and of course the ‘ground-breaking volume’.

Academic Publication

Theology and Philosophy of Education (TAPE) is an international journal for perspectives in the theology of education and philosophy of education. The journal is published on a semi-annual basis.

One Triangle and More –MORe3.1.2Meaning-Oriented Reflection 3.1.2

The educational technique of ‘meaning-oriented reflection’ originally highlights two angles ‘thinking’ and ‘feeling’, prior to ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’. This article emphasises that due to differences among world-philosophies, an additional third angle on ‘being inspired’ by a higher power is applicable. Bringing these three angles into ‘being aware’ precedes ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’. Based on interviews and higher educational interventions, the revised ‘meaning-oriented reflection’ appears to be a useful educational technique. However, the question remains: How to implement MORe3.1.2 among educators and other professionals who may only reflect rationally?

link to the article in TAPE or click the TAPE logo:

On June 23, 2022, a lecture was given during a TAPE seminar.


One Triangle and More – MORe3.1.2 Meaning-Oriented Reflection 3.1.2

In: Theology and Philosophy of Education

The educational technique of ‘meaning-oriented reflection’ originally highlights two angles ‘thinking’ and ‘feeling’, prior to ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’. MORe3.1.2 emphasises that due to differences among world-philosophies, an additional third angle on ‘being inspired’ by a higher power is applicable.

Bringing these three angles into ‘being aware’ precedes ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’.

Dutch version

English version

Based on interviews and higher educational interventions, the revised ‘meaning-oriented reflection’ appears to be a useful educational technique.

The question remains: How to implement MORe3.1.2 among professionals who may only reflect rationally?

Meeuwsen, Bert. 2022. “One Triangle and More – MORe3.1.2: Meaning-Oriented Reflection 3.1.2”. Theology and Philosophy of Education 1 (1):13-17.

Bedrijfskundig analysemodel inzetten in non-profit? Echt?

Kan dat?

Ja, uiteraard. Het model is een hulpmiddel om tot besluiten te komen. Het is geen doel.

Ook in de funnel van te zetten analysestappen is, naast denken, ook ruimte voor voelen en spiritualiteit. Houd rekening met deze factoren, die deel uitmaken van missie, visie, kerndoelen en kernwaarden. Gedurende alle stappen zijn typische design-analysefactoren ook te betrekken op deze drie-eenheid die wellicht niet altijd aandacht krijgt. Waarom? Waardoor? Mogelijk zijn we het uit het oog verloren, of vinden we het (onterecht) niet zo belangrijk. Wanneer je dán vanuit enkel denken aan de analyse werkt, dan verlies je wellicht de focus op beide andere.

Dat hoeft niet. Het begint bij het óók benoemen, bevragen, noteren en reflecteren op álle drie.

Probeer, of neem contact op. Dan gaan we hier samen mee aan de slag.

On Decolonising University Curricula

‘Decolonising the curriculum’ is, among others, rethinking the origin of epistemology. E.g. a Eurocentric Western/Enlightenment approach (only), or taking into consideration indigenous origins, i.e. African (Ubuntu), Chinese (Confucian), Persian (Chaldaic), and/or other world philosophies, too.

A textbook on the subject of ‘Decolonising the curriculum’ is expected in 2022 (Moncrieffe, M., Eds., et al., Camden London: Palgrave MacMillan).

Recently, the University of Brighton in the UK, hosted the Education and Student Experience Conference for over two days. Participants shared their own understanding of what decolonising in education means and provided several recommendations on this matter. Wittenborg’s lecturer Bert Meeuwsen participated in the event. Read more: